Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Time

I know many of you have complained that I haven't posted in awhile but that is because we've been busy soaking up the sun! We've been going to the pool, having bbqs, visiting the mini water parks that are all over town for kids, going to the zoo, and hanging out in the back yard. Portland has been truly beautiful this summer. We also got a chance to come to California and spend time with family and friends who we're missing already!

The last pic is Dani's latest hair style...she actually lets me put a ponytail in but there is no telling how long she'll leave it before pulling it out.

Enjoy the pics...


Soderin Family said...

SO CUTE! I have been waiting for a new post and pics of that little cutie for too long! Miss you guys!

Two Cent Sparrow said...

Finally! What a cutie. Thanks for the new pics. I've been telling RJ we need to take a trip to Portland. Hopefully someday soon. It would be so great to see you!

Rob, Kelly, Bennett, and Elodie said...

Yay, hi Em! Dani is a cutie pie, great pictures! I am glad the weather has been so nice up there. We too, would love to make a trip up in the near future.

Thanks for the congrats on our new baby, we are super-excited :)!

Rob, Kelly, Bennett, and Elodie said...
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Rob, Kelly, Bennett, and Elodie said...

Yay, hi Em! Dani is a cutie pie, great pictures! I am glad the weather has been so nice up there. We too, would love to make a trip up in the near future.

Thanks for the congrats on our new baby, we are super-excited :)!

Eli, Mandy & Ava Stewart said...

what a honey! I'm so glad you have had such a great summer so far!

Soderin Family said...

more pics please!!!